Learn Latvian online with people all over Europe

Start now from 29.90 € / week

Join now. 

Your new classmates are waiting for you.

Fill out the form to get in touch, a Berlitz consultant will help you choose the most suitable study path for you.

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Meet new people, improve your languages skills, experience different cultures

Berlitz, the leader in language teaching since 1878, brings you International Open Groups, allowing you to learn languages with real teachers and real classmates, but from wherever you want. With these regularly scheduled live lessons taking place via video call, your classroom is always where you are.  

Start improving your Latvian right away

Atvērta grupa

20 nedēļu programma

  • 1 stunda nedēļā 2 stundas katru nedēļu
  • 40 stundu apmācība
  • Pilna līmeņa programma
  • Mazā grupa 3-6 cilvēki
  • Studentu materiāli
  • Reģistrācijas maksa

Viss kopā: 599 €




  • Īpašs klientu menedžeris.
  • Vietējās komandas un infrastruktūra
  • Specializētas un pielāgotas programmas
  • Pieejamas individuālās programmas
  • Augstākās klases klientu apkalpošana vietējā valodā/-ās
  • Vietējā kvalitātes vadība un atbalsts
  • Augsts elastības līmenis
  • Norēķinu pakalpojumi
  • Pārskati un uzraudzība


Nosacījumi atvērtās grupas programmām:

Lūdzu, skatiet Berlitz Live Online Group piedāvātās valodas, līmeņus un sākuma datumus.

Reģistrācijas vai atcelšanas termiņš ir 3 darba dienas. Ja grupā 2 dienas pirms sākuma datuma ir reģistrējušies tikai viens vai divi studenti, grupas sākums tiks pārcelts par divām nedēļām.

Berlitz Online Open Group
How it works?

It’s like a regular, traditional, group lesson, only online. When you sign up for the course, you have a real teacher, and real classmates who share both your level and interests. You enter a virtual classroom via video call and participate to the lesson. Just like with a regular Berlitz class, you listen, speak, and actively participate from the beginning. You’ll be amazed how your fluency will improve day by day.

Want to start right now?
Select your course

Online groups are scheduled by language and level. Check group availability and choose your course.

Choose your course

Your instructor at your disposal 

At the beginning of the course, your teacher sets the goals and study plan. Then, you and your classmates participate in the twice weekly lessons, in your chosen schedule. 

When it’s lesson time, you just need to connect and take part! Every lesson will have new topics, and new language to learn.

Small groups, great motivation 

Small groups from 3 to 6 participants offer greater interaction with your instructor and classmates, so you can start having conversations from day one.

Joining a Berlitz online group class can help you stay motivated and offer an affordable alternative to private classes. Furthermore, you will meet people from all over Europe.


  • Learn wherever you are
  • Small groups up to 6 students
  • Native-Fluent teachers
  • Affordable price 
  • Highly motivational
  • International environment 

Join now. 

Your new classmates are waiting for you.

Fill out the form to get in touch, a Berlitz consultant will help you choose the most suitable study path for you.

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